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Funding secured for new GSHP trial

Brad Donovan, the owner of Ground Source System said today “I am pleased to be able to announce that we have been successful in obtaining funding from the Australian Renewable Agency to be able to carry out a trial of Ground Source Heat Pump technology on a broiler poultry farm on the southern outskirts of Sydney.”
Work has commenced on this project with the slinky loops having been installed and work is being carried out above the ground surface currently.
Currently Ground Source Systems has over 21 gas meters spread across various sheds and farms to monitor the amount of gas consumed.  This trial will compare the gas consumed in a control shed to the operation in the trial shed.
The successful outcome of this trial will showcase the benefit of GSHP technology in the poultry sector, but also in general use for heating buildings.  It is antisioater that the system will be operational in late August to capture the winter batch of birds.